When you think of Greenville culture, one of the first things that comes to mind is ECU Pirate Football! Here in Pirate Nation, there is no shortage of purple and gold or themed businesses to visit. While you are in town, stay on theme by visiting Coastal Fog or Blackbeards for a cup of coffee, Captain Jack’s Mini Golf for an activity, or Pirate’s Deli for a pre-game meal!
A game day staple is the community celebration the night before! Freeboot Fridays happen at Five Points Plaza from 5:30-8:30pm the night before a home Saturday game. It is a time to show your ECU pride with food, drink, craft vendors, and some awesome live music!
2023 Freeboot Friday Schedule
August 30 (TrainWreck)
September 13 (Holler Choir)
September 27 (Miss Mini and the Sandman Band)
October 25 (TBA)
ECU Pirate Home Football Game Schedule
Find the full football schedule HERE
August 31 @6pm vs. Norfolk State (Band Day)
September 14 @4pm vs. Appalachian State (Paint it Purple)
September 28 @7:30pm vs. UTSA (Paint it Gold)
October 26 @TBA vs. Temple (Homecoming)
November 7 @8pm vs. Florida Atlantic (Paint it Black)
November 29 @TBA vs. Navy (Military Appreciation)
Hitch a FREE RIDE to Dowdy-Ficklen Stadium on the Sup Dogs Game Day Shuttle offered by Downtown Greenville Partnership! This shuttle runs during every Saturday home game; starting three hours before the event, all throughout the game, and two hours after the event. Shuttle runs in 30-minute loops, with pick up/drop offs at Sup Dogs and Five Points Plaza in Downtown Greenville and at Dowdy-Ficklen Stadium.
Pirate Gameday Traditions
If you aren’t an ECU Pirate, you may feel adrift during some of the home game traditions. We put together some of the most iconic chants, songs, and cheers so you can feel a part of the pirate crew!
Staple Traditions
No Quarter: If a ship refused to surrender, they risked the wrath of the pirate ship's crew. Once a battle began the Jolly Roger was lowered and replaced with a "No Quarter" flag signifying that the Pirates would now take no prisoners and give no quarter to their enemy. For ECU, at the start of the 4th quarter, a “NO QUARTER” flag will be raised signifying that they will give no mercy and Pirate fans cross their arms in front of their chests or above their heads!
Touchdown = Cannon blast (cover yer ears!)
First Down = Announcer Morgan Ahlers says after every first down “Where it is a first down…,” letting the crowd say “Pirates!” before Ahlers follows with a “Pirates!” of his own. Example: (Winstead is down at the 35, where it is a first down… Crowd: “PIRATES” Ahlers: “Pirates”
Purple/Gold Chant: One side of the crowd screams “PURPLE”, and the other side of the stadium screams “GOLD”, especially during comebacks or big plays.
Purple Haze: During every home game the team runs out of the tunnel to Jimi Hendrix’s “Purple Haze” surrounded by purple smoke.
Livin’ on a Prayer: During every home game the entire stadium sings along to Bon Jovi’s “Livin’ on a prayer”, with the main chorus cut off to let the stadium sing the part by themselves.
Fight Song: Cheer for East Car'lina,
"Cheer for old E.C.,
We know we're the finest,
Onward to victory!
Cheer for East Car'lina,
Cheer on for old E.C.,
Loyal and Bold,
we're the purple and gold,
Less Iconic/Less Known
Kickstart my Heart: Before the first kickoff of every game, Mötley Crües’ “Kickstart My Heart” plays to hype the stadium up (this is a new tradition started in 2022).
Key Jingle: In the Boneyard student section, it’s traditional to jingle your keys at the field before every ECU kickoff
Pirate Walk: Roughly 3 hours before every game, the players, coaches, and band walk from rotating spots around the stadium to inside of it with spectators lining the route cheering them on!
Paint it Purple Friday’s: Every Friday, Pirate fans are encouraged to wear purple where ever they are in support of the home games played the next day.
Alma Mater: Before every home game, the fans in the stadium face the scoreboard to sing the school’s Alma Mater in unison.
"Praise to your name so fair,
Dear old East Car'lina,
your joys we'll share, and your friends we'll ever be.
We pledge our loyalty, and our heart's devotion,
To thee, our Alma Mater,
love and praise."